It's Time To Human Up
It's Time To Human Up
It's Time To Human Up
Our children are suffering from climate change right now. According to this report in the Guardian:
"More than half of child and adolescent psychiatrists in England are seeing patients distressed about the state of the environment, a survey has revealed. "
"More than half of child and adolescent psychiatrists in England are seeing patients distressed about the state of the environment, a survey has revealed. "
Half of child psychiatrists surveyed say patients have environment anxiety
UNICEF Children’s Press Conference
UNICEF Children’s Press Conference
However, there is hope but watching these kids haltingly taking responsibility for the situation should make us all ashamed.
Greta’s message is simple. Listen to the science and act.
If you are a parent, a grandparent or an adult with normal humanity it is time to ‘Human up’.
This is our mess to sort out.
If you follow the three positive impacts that BEAMZ we can make a start!
At BEAMZ, we have a vision:
At BEAMZ, we have a vision:
“To create beautiful, high performance, bespoke bicycles from wood in a sustainable, environmentally friendly and inclusive way.”
“To create beautiful, high performance, bespoke bicycles from wood in a sustainable, environmentally friendly and inclusive way.”
High performance, unique, warm, beautiful and sustainable
See more examples here
Wood on Wheels
Wood on Wheels
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